Saturday, October 30, 2010

End Snoring For Good

Alright, maybe my title was a bit to overzealous but I am sure you get my point. Snoring is one of those things that is truly annoying, and if their were a pill to stop it we would all take it. Unfortunately such a pill does not exist and thus we must find other ways to combat this naturally. I for one have begun to do a fair amount of research into the availability of stop snoring devices on the market and have come to realize that with many of these devices, the idea is the same. You want to ensure that your jaw is more extended while sleeping which should enable you to reduce snoring.

Surely however what works for me may not work for you and so forth, however I am sure we can all find some common ground to ensure success. With that I think the best thing to do is to try different methods over time and see which one works the best. In business they would call this split testing, Ill simply refer to it as snoring device testing ;). In my opinion it would be better to start out with the mask testing considering the fact that it seems more effective, although that point is debatable. From there move onto the variety of pillows that are available and over time you may be able to find yourself a pretty solid stop snoring device.

It may not happen overnight but with a little bit of testing and persistence you can find yourself snoring less and sleeping more. Obviously I am no doctor and my words should not be taken as that of a medical professional, but this sounds like a pretty good plan to me. Be sure to report back in the comments with all of your stop snoring solutions in the future.

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